At XTB we work hard to enhance your trading experience. As a global, 5 star rated broker, our client's satisfaction is in the center of our focus.
Instruments with leverage
Trade over 1500 global CFD markets including Forex, Cryptocurrencies, Indicies, Commodities, Share CFDs and ETFs
Trusted and regulated broker
XTB is one of the largest stock exchange-listed FX & CFD brokers in the world.
Ultra fast execution
Our award-winning platform offers instant and reliable execution speeds.
Get cashback on your trades
Get cashback on your closed positions and be rewarded for your monthly trading volumes.
Customer Support 24/7
Our customer support is available 24/7, ready to answer all your questions and solve all your problems.
No requotes
Our advanced trading technology allows you to avoid requotes and trade with a full trust that your trade will be executed smoothly.
Key Features
  • Advanced charting and analytical tools
  • Sophisticated order management tools
  • Expert Advisors availabel
  • Trade from your desktop or mobile device
Available On :
Deposit With zero fees

Flexible payment options to get you trading faster.
(FOREX) make funding your account a simple process and cover the transaction fees on all deposits.

Simply select your preferred Payment Option to proceed.

Our Payment Partners
Exceptional trading conditions on all live accounts
Access the markets with an account suitable to your needs.
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